Colonel Nicole Washington is the Chief of Staff, Idaho Army National Guard. She serves as the principal advisor to the Adjutant General and/or Assistant Adjutant on a broad range of matters concerning the United States Army and Army National Guard. Col. Nicole Washington is the Chief Executive Officer responsible for the diversified function including Logistics, Information Systems, Manpower and Personnel, Public Affairs, Recruiting and Retention, Medical and State Emergency responses.

Command Sergeant Major Kevin A. Dean represents and advises the Assistant Adjutant General – Army on matters pertaining to Army National Guard policies and actions that affect enlisted Soldiers of the Army National Guard through meetings, conferences, information exchanges and on-site observation; coordinates with the Sergeant Major of the Army and Command Sergeants Major of the Idaho Army National Guard and Major Army Command formations; and reviews and inspects field training, inactive duty training, overseas deployments and Noncommissioned Officer Leadership schools on behalf of the Assistant Adjutant General.